Finally Finished the Granny Square Blanket!

I have really loved making this blanket, it has taken me a long time but I am so pleased with it, I even found the time to make a matching cushion too!!

I really hope Jenny loves these for her birthday as I have totally fallen in love with them!! It's easy to become addicted to the granny square x

Seeing Squares!

I have been working every spare minute on my granny square blanket to get it finished for Jen's birthday.  It is coming together really well and I am loving the colours, just need to get a move on and get it completed, hopefully that will be by next week!! 

New Project - Crochet Birthday Blanket

For my cousins birthday I am making her a crochet granny square blanket, it is a special birthday after all - Jenny will be 30 and I know she loves crafting so I thought she would like a handmade blanket to keep her warm and snugly.

I picked some lovely autumy colours for this blanket as I know these are her favourite colours. I have maroon, cream, green and grey, and have decided to edge them all in lovely chocolate brown! So I have been busy making a few squares, I need to make 144 in total so need to get my skates on!!

I have decided the blanket will be 12 squares x 12 squares (plenty big enough for snuggles) and then I would like to finishing it off with some sort of edging which I not decided on yet! This is the biggest project I have ever worked on as I normally like little projects which I can finish quickly so I do not get too bored!!  So must stay focused and dive into granny square production!!

New Cushion - Sooooo Cute!

Had to show you my new cushion, I think I will be spending a lot more time sitting in the kitchen!! 

I am sure I could fit a few more on the bench!!!

Beautiful Bunting Baby

I have seen lots of beautiful crochet bunting online, my favourite is on the Bunny Mummy  blog so check it out and there is a lovely tutorial to follow too! So thought I would have a little experiment myself with great plans to hang some in my kitchen when complete. I love the colours they are making me feel really spingy!

Bright Granny Square Cushion Finished at Last!

I am really pleased I have finished this cushion, the colours are so bright, it really has cheered-up my kitchen bench and the magnolia corner of the kitchen! Finished off with the beautiful spotty buttons I purchased from

This cushion joins it's cushion friends on the bench, I just need to buy some foam now and  make the seat pad and make a few more cushions so it is nice and comfy for sitting and contemplating life & eating cake!

Crochet Cushion Progress, Slow but Progress!

I keep picking this project up and putting it down (I think I good at multi-tasking working on many projects at the same time but actually it takes so long to get anything finished!!)  I have so many beautiful  crochet projects on the go - what is a girl to do??  I have crocheted the squares together for one side of my cushion.  Note to self: Try finishing one project at a time - it might just work!

I thought I would crochet a different design for the other side of my cushion, using a different colour for row - all lovely and colourful to brighten up my kitchen bench!  All that is left to do now is crochet the two together and then decide on which buttons to use!!

Hopefully I will get this finished some time soon!!
I have a busy weekend this weekend and unfortunately there is just no room for crafting :-(